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Walcott Primary School

Working Together Success for All

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October New Update 

There will be a staffing change from January 2022. This is occurring as part of our strategic plan to reduce the number of classes with job share arrangements across the federation should the opportunity arise. This has now arisen through the Walcott Job share being currently filled on a temporary basis.

From January, Miss Parkin will be teaching Class Three full time, whilst Miss Jones is on Maternity leave. Mrs Osborne one of the current Class Two teachers at Mrs Mary King’s will be joining Mrs Beckingham to teach Walcott Class Two. This arrangement is a trial and will continue until October 2022.

Diary Dates

Diary dates can be found on the school website calendar. We are maintaining this carefully, and adding as many dates as we are aware of well in advance. We try to avoid paper copies of letters going home where possible. This information is being shared on Ourschool App, Facebook and the school website….

There are a number of events for next term:


  • Monday 1st November Pumpkin Trail
  • Tuesday 2nd November Parents Evening 3.30pm -7.30pm
  • Thursday 11th November 11.00am Class Four children attending memorial service at Metheringham Airfield (Parents welcome to attend)
  • Thursday 11th November New intake afternoon and evening 1.30pm-3.00pm 5.00pm-7.00pm
  • Wednesday 17th November NSPCC Stay Safe Assembly and Non-Uniform Day (We suggest a donation of £1 (This is voluntary as we know that many families are under considerable financial pressure this year)
  • Friday 26th November 9.00 am School Photographer (individual photographs)
  • Tuesday 7th Thursday 9th December Nativity Plays 1.30pm and 6.00pm
  • Friday 10th December Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save the Children We suggest a donation of £1 (This is voluntary as per NSPCC event)
  • Friday 17th December Carols Service at St Oswalds 2.15pm (We will need to ticket this event due to the huge demand for space at Harvest)
  • Friday 17th December Term Ends

Covid Precautions

At the moment, levels of Covid are increasing and we are monitoring things carefully. We are following the guidance laid out by the local authority and should we get more than five positive cases within the school in a ten-day period will move to the next level of the plan which will see seating and mixing restrictions introduced. More than ten cases in a ten-day period will result in re introduction of bubbles and other measures.

Whilst we are planning for a number of events where parents are invited; these are all subject to Covid restrictions and we may need to abandon them or significantly tighten restrictions should the local picture change. We are looking carefully at the capacity of hall and church for events and we may have to restrict the number of family members who can attend.



Swimming lessons are re commencing for Class Four children after half term. We are using the private leisure pool at Nocton for the first time. Mrs Eke and her daughter (Both qualified instructors) will be teaching the children. With the pool hire and bus, this will cost the school £135 per session which is more than previous arrangements. It is our aim to prioritise KS2 children who cannot currently meet the national expectation of 25 m and lifesaving skills. We hope to offer this in the coming terms to all children but it will depend upon the level of contributions we get from parents and how far our sports premium lasts subsidising the transport.


Pumpkin Trail

We invite all families to contribute a carved pumpkin to our trail through the woodland on Monday 1st November. There is no special them, we just want families to enjoy working together to produce their own masterpiece. Obviously due to the timing of the holiday you will be able to enjoy it at home on the Sunday and then share it at school on the Monday. Please bring the pumpkins in the morning with a tea light and we will arrange them in the grounds. School will remain open for families to come and look at the display from dusk until 5.30pm. (Sunset is 4.30 on the 1st)