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Walcott Primary School

Working Together Success for All

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We have spent a lot of time assessing the current situation. The special treatment being given to the football events, with large crowds and few precautions gives an impression everything back to normal; on the other hand we know that many local schools are not allowing parents to attend sports day at all. The following arrangements take a middle ground, and whilst not ideal, go much further towards normality than some others are offering. In the last few days the number of confirmed positive cases locally is increasing, there are schools who have closed bubbles today.


We have looked carefully at government advice regarding school sports day and having considered the space we have available we would like to offer the following:

Sports day will be divided in to a KS1 and KS2 event:

Mrs Mary King’s (Wednesday 7th / Wednesday 14th)

• KS1 10.30am

• KS2 1.45pm

Walcott (Friday 2nd July / Friday 9th reserve)

• KS2 9.30am

• KS1 1.15pm

Practical Arrangements


• 1 ticket per family for an adult to attend per session that they have a child participating in.

• Parents to bring their own chairs.


We are required to keep children in their bubbles and to sanitise equipment between groups in KS2. The guidance for spectators allow groups of 30 but we are not in a position to organise this fairly or marshal such arrangements.

So each family will be given one ticket per event that they have a child participating in. We know this is not ideal but it’s a step forward and we hope you will appreciate why we are doing this. If you need to bring pre school siblings, they must sit with you and not roam around.


On the day, seating positions will be marked out on the field in white paint and a marshal will allocate you a space on a first come first serve basis. With 2m spacings between viewers we don’t fit many people along the edge of the track, there will be three rows, 2m distanced. People on the back row will be welcome to stand so they can see. We request that face coverings are worn within the grounds as per our normal policy.


After the event you should maintain social distance as you would in the grounds as you exit the field. Children will be handed over at the end of the day as per normal.

As we are limiting attendance, it is very likely you will want to take photographs of your child to share with those who can’t. As sports day is taking place in a public setting over which we cannot have complete control, photography is allowed. We ask that you photograph your own child where possible and that you don’t post pictures on social media that might include other children.


If you have any concerns regarding this please contact the school.


Why are we limiting attendance to one adult per family?


We have calculated the space required, and two adults massively reduces capacity and makes it more likely that people won’t be able to see their child. This will be the first public event since the start of the pandemic and whilst staff are confident about their safety we want to run an event that doesn’t make anyone feel at risk. This is a first step and hopefully it won’t be long before things return back to normal.


I am attending with relatives or friends, can we sit together?


No, we ask that everyone sits in their allocated spaces. You can sit next to each other, 2m isn’t very far.. We want to keep things simple and fair, if we felt we wouldn’t be supported in doing this we wouldn’t have offered to allow spectators; we know we have sensible and understanding parents..


We will send you tickets with your child next week and these will be transferable if the fist date is cancelled due to poor weather.