Welcome to Class 1
What a busy school year we have had in Class 1 so far. The children really enjoyed last terms topics of 'Eggs' and 'Spring'. They have been on a walk around school to find the signs of Spring and they had fun selling items in the farm shop in our outdoor area. The term ended with an Easter egg hunt and a service at St. Oswald's Church.
The children have taken part in a pancake race and enjoyed listening to a drumming session using the Japanese taiko drums. We have also had themed days based around maths and French, which the children have loved.
For term 5 we have started our new topic of 'buildings' and we have thought of some great questions we want to answer during the topic. Our outdoor area has a Cafe in the role play area that we are developing a menu for. We are also excited to celebrate the King's Coronation and take part in some maypole dancing.
We made domino biscuits to show our knowledge of subitising.