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Walcott Primary School

Working Together Success for All

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Welcome to Walcott, a small primary school in rural Lincolnshire. Walcott is part of the Carrdyke Federation along with Mrs Mary King's Church of England Primary School in the nearby village for Martin. Walcott has around 80 pupils in four classes, these are mixed age groups except the reception class. We welcome children from the surrounding villages with many coming from nearby Billinghay. Walcott is about half an hours drive from Lincoln and fifteen minutes from Sleaford.


We aim to provide our pupils with a stimulating curriculum that makes excellent use of local resources and our beautiful grounds. We have worked hard to develop our curriculum so that children are suitably stretched and staff expect children to achieve the best they can; this is reflected in our school values: care, quality and perseverance.


Our Vision:

“We want our pupils to be excellent communicators and be able to think critically to solve problems they encounter in their work and daily lives. Children should experience lessons that have very clear aims and are delivered in a way that encourages children to have an intrinsic love of learning. Teachers to be confident at planning lessons that draw upon the science of learning and include activities that promote thinking and help children to remember more of what they have been taught. When children leave our school, they should be curious and creative learners who are well prepared for the complex world they live in and their next stage in education.”


Being a small school we have a close knit community where everyone knows the children well, in October 2019 Ofsted wrote:


'This is a welcoming and inclusive school. Pupils enjoy their time here. They say that it is ‘like a family’. Staff know pupils very well. Parents and carers appreciate this. For example, one parent commented, ‘Staff have a special connection with the children.’ Pupils say that they feel safe and happy in school. Pupils behave well. They look after and care for each other'.



The school dates from 1860 but has been extended over time and we are proud of the quality learning environment we can offer. The school doesn't have a hall on site but we use the nearby village hall which as all the equipment you would expect for the delivery of PE and drama. Whilst our grounds are small, they are big feature of the school with an RHS five star allotment and sensory garden, forest school area and large play equipment. 


If you are interested in your child joining our school you will receive a warm welcome, visits are encouraged so you can see first hand what we can offer.

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