We aim to ensure that our students benefit fully from the education we
seek to provide by maximising the attendance of each student.
As a community school we aim to take a fair, balanced and ethical view in the decisions we make regarding attendance and absences. Our mission statement, ‘Working together success for all’, which extends to all pupils, families and staff aims to ensure children fulfil their potential with the support of the whole community. When making judgements about requests for term time absence the head teacher and governing body have discretion in determining what is an exceptional circumstance. We will aim to use both the guidance set out below but also our knowledge of individual circumstances.
If your child is ill, please contact the school office first thing in the morning from 8.15am. If your child continues to be ill please continue to notify the school unless there is a definite time scale.
If your child has sickness and diarrhoea then they must not come into school until 48 hours have lapsed since the last instance of illness.
If your child has headlice, you should treat them as soon as possible. We don't expect children to miss school due to headlice. If you need help with obtaining treatments please let us know and we may be able to help.