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Walcott Primary School

Working Together Success for All

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Sports Provision

Although we are small school , we aim to offer a wide range of sports and offer the children opportunities to compete within the school and with other local schools in the area. We use both our own school site and the much larger grounds of our partner school in the nearby village of Martin.



The school has moved from hiring in expertise to deliver PE to employing our own sports TA. Staff work alongside this staff member to deliver PE, after school clubs and inter school competitions.


Staff offer children a second follow up PE lesson later in the week developing skills further. 

We also offer children golf sessions run by professionals from the National Golf Centre at Woodhall Spa. When possible children take part in lessons at the golf centre but during the last two year coaches have worked with children on site.

Children take part in federation cross country events at Martin and we also use their field for orienteering activities.

Swimming takes place at the Little Leisure Centre at Nocton Estate; all children get at least a term of swimming during the year.




Small School League

Children participate in inter school matches with schools from the local small schools league. In the last few years we have had very small KS2 classes so the opportunities to compete competitively have been limited. Classes now allow us to field teams again so we are looking forward to competing more competitively again.


Walcott Sports Premium report 2023/24

Walcott Sports premium report 2022 23