News update
Dear Parents
We held interviews for a new class teacher on Friday and I am delighted to inform you that we have appointed Miss Alex Warner to join the team. Miss Warner is currently working at Monks Abbey Primary School where she has completed her initial teacher training. I am sure you will join me in offering her a warm welcome to the school.
• Miss Jones has notified me that she wishes to return part following maternity leave in October.
• Miss Parkin has become a full-time permanent member of staff.
The class structure at Walcott in September will be as follows:
Class 1 Mrs Miller
Class 2 Miss Warner
Class 3 Miss Parkin
Class 4 Mr Churchward
Mrs Beckingham and Mrs Osborne will move to the Mrs Mary King’s site.
Miss Jones will work in conjunction with other class teachers to teach a small focused group of children three days a week. This is a significant increase in staffing for Walcott and is part of our commitment to supporting children with special educational needs. Given that the number of children on roll will have risen to ninety by September I believe this will be a very strong staffing arrangement. There will be a number of transition sessions before the end of term that will allow children to meet their new teachers.
Mrs Skinner has been taken ill, and from what I can ascertain will not be back in school for a few weeks. Please do not try and contact her in the meantime, she won’t be accessing her emails. I am sure you will join with me in wishing her a speedy recovery, I know that she will want to be back in school as soon as possible.
Aylmerton Residential Briefing
There will be a meeting for parents to explain the itinerary and practical arrangements for the forthcoming residential trip to Norfolk on Wednesday 22nd June at 3.15pm in Class Four. The kit list of essential items has been` sent with children today and there will be a medical form sent home later this week that needs to be completed and returned by the 22nd June.
Leaver’s Assembly
Leavers Assembly will take place in St Oswalds Church on Thursday 21st July at 2.15pm
Sports Day
Sports Day is 24th June 1.00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please bring your own fold up chairs or blankets. Sports day events will be followed immediately by the Friends of Walcott Primary School summer fair.